Senin, 30 April 2012
Minggu, 22 April 2012
ENGLISH OF BUSINESS 2 (Softskill_Meeting 3)
1. Which of the following is NOT true?
a) Winners placed olive wreaths on their own heads.
b) The games were held in Greece every four years.
c) Battles were interrupted to participate in the games.
d) Poem glorified the winners in song.
The answer: c) Battles were interrupted to participate in the games. Because it is described in paragraph; “The contest coincided with religious festivities and constituted an all-out effort on the part of the participants to please the gods”.
2. The word “elite” in line 5 is closest in meaning to…
A. aristocracy
B. Brave
C. intellectuals
D. muscular
Answer : A. aristocracy
Reason : because elite and aristocracy have the same meaning that is “pilihan”.
3. Why were the Olympic Games held?
The answer is : B. To honor Zeus
The reason : because In 776 B.C, the first Olympics Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus. (look at the first paragraph and the first sentence)
4. Approximately how many years ago did these games originate?
a) 800 years.
b) 1200 years.
c) 2300 years.
d) 2800 years.
The answer : d) 2800 years. Because the first year the Olympic Games held in 776 BC until now 2012, so the Olympic Games happen since 2012 + 776 = 2788 years or approximately 2800 years ago.
5. What conclusion can we draw about the ancient Greeks?
A. They were pacifists
B. They believed athletic events were important
C. They were very simple
D. They couldn’t count, so they used “Olympiads” for dates
Answer : B. They believed athletic events were important
Reason : because in the article there sentence : The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength to their education of youth. So they believed athletic were important
6. What is the main idea of this passage?
The answer is : A. Physical fitness was an integral part part of the lives of the ancient Greeks
The reason : because the Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. (look at the first paragraph and the fourth sentence)
7. In line 14, the word “deeds” is closest in meaning to….
a) Accomplishments.
b) Ancestors.
d) Documents.
d) Property.
The answer: a) Accomplishments. Because the meaning of deeds is the “tindakan or perbuatan”. In a sentence or it can be too are defined by accomplishments that is literally meant “penyelesaian, prestasi, or kemahiran”.
8. Which of the following was ultimately required of all athletes competing in the Olympics?
A. They must have completed military service.
B. They had to attend special training sessions
C. They had to be Greek males with no criminal record
D. They had to be very religious
Answer : C. They had to be Greek males with no criminal record
Reason : because there sentence : but the later games were open to all free Greek males who had no criminal record. So the right answer is C.
9. The word “ halted” in line 16 means most nearly the same as…
The answer is : C. Curtailed
The reason : because if interpreted in Indonesian language, the word “halted” means “dihentikan, berhenti” so the most nearly same of meaning is the word “curtailed” which means “dikurangi, dibatasi”.
10. What is an “Olympiad”?
a) The time it took to finish the games.
b) The time between games.
c) The it took to finish a war.
d) The time it took the athletes to train.
The answer: b) The time between games. Because the synonym of Olympiad is the modern revival of the ancient games held once every four years in a selected country. So, an Olympiad it could also be interpreted as the time between games.
1. The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s questions…..
A. Because he was afraid it would incriminate him
B. For fear that they will incriminate him
C. Because he was afraid that his answers would incriminate him
D. Fearing that he will be incriminated by it
Option A is wrong because the subject like “he” cannot be represented with pronoun it, so this antecedent of pronouns is didn’t match.
Option B is wrong because the subject is singular but the pronoun they is plural, so this antecedent of pronouns is didn’t match.
Option C is right because the subject like “he” can represented with pronouns his, so this antecedent of pronouns is match. And for the sequence of tenses is match which the tenses is simple past tense and past future.
Option D is wrong because the sentence is don’t have second subject so this is didn’t called antecendent.
2. Mrs.Walker has returned…..
A. A wallet back to its original owner
B. To its original owner the wallet
C. The wallet to its originally owner
D. The wallet to its original owner
Answer : D. The wallet to its original owner
Reason : because if we translate in Indonesian answer D means : Mrs walker telah mengembalikan dompet itu ke pemilik aslinyai, that the most compatible.
3. The hospital owes _____ for the construction of the new wing.
a) The government twenty million dollars.
b) For the government twenty million dollars.
c) To the government twenty million dollars.
d) Twenty million of dollars to the government
The answer: d) Twenty million of dollars to the government. Because, in the question above in Indonesian mean is “Rumah sakit berhutang dua puluh juta dollar pada pemerintah untuk membangun cabang yang baru”. There is a complete independent and dependent clause.
4. Sarah…..that she could not attend classes next week
A. Told to her professors
B. Said her professors
C. Told her professors
D. Is telling her professors
Answer : D. Is telling her professors
Reason : the sentence is present continuous. Is telling her professors is present countinous tense. So the most compatible answer is D.
5. The artist was asked to show some paintings at the contest because…
A. He painted very good
B. They believed he painted well
C. Of their belief that he was an good artist
D. The judges had been told of his talents
Option A is wrong because the structure of sentence is incorrect.
Option B is wrong because have double pronoun like “they” and “he”.
Option C is wrong because have double pronoun like “their” and “he”.
Option D is right because the sequence of tenses is match which have past tense and past perfect continous.
Note: each option is represented by a different color
Red = option A
Yellow = option B
Green = option C
Blue = option D
6. If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations, they will be stopped, ticketed, and have to pay a fine.
The incorrect answer : D. have to pay a fine
Because this sentence is parallelism so must change with the word “fined”.
Correction : If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations, they will be stopped, ticketed, and fined.
7. Fred, who usually conducts the choir rehearsals, did not show up last night because he had an accident on his way to the practice.
The incorrect answer : C. had
The correct answers: Fred, who usually conducts the choir rehearsals, did not show up last night because he had had an accident on his way to the practice.
The reason: We should use the past perfect tense to emphasize that an action in the past finished before another action in the past started. And the accident is already happen before he show up conducts the choir rehearsals (s + had + verb 3).
8. A short time before her operation last month , Mrs.Carlyle dreams of her daughter who lives overseas.
The incorrect answer : C. dreams
Correction :
A short time before her operation last month , Mrs.Carlyle had dreamed of her daughter who lives overseas.
Reason :
we must change dreams to dreamed. Because the sentence is past perfect tense
9. The atmosphere in Andalucia is open, warm, and gives a welcome feeling to all who have the good fortune to visit there.
The incorrect answer : B. gives a welcome feeling
Because this sentence is parallelism and have adjective, so must change with adjective too with the word “welcome”.
Correction : The atmosphere in Andalucia is open, warm, and welcome to all who have the good fortune to visit there.
10. Some of the people were standing in the street watched the parade, while others were singing songs.
The incorrect answer : C. watched
The correct answer: Some of the people were standing in the street watching the parade, while others were singing songs.
The reason: Because of this sentence, then the past participle verb use verb-ing, so changed to watching (verb-ing).
Selasa, 10 April 2012
English of Bussiness 2 (tulisan)
3. Sejak akhir 1960-an, tes TOEFL telah dikelola oleh Educational Testing Service (ETS), sebuah organisasi standar pengujian internasional. Menurut ETS, antara 1964 dan 2008, 24 juta orang, sebagian besar siswa internasional, telah mengambil tes. Diperkenalkan pada tahun 2005, ujian berbasis internet telah menggantikan format berbasis komputer dan berbasis kertas, dengan hasil yang berbasis komputer diperintah tidak lagi berlaku pada tahun 2006.
4. Sejak awal 1970-an, dewan 15-anggota TOEFL telah menangani isu-isu spesifik mengenai organisasi. Dewan ini terdiri dari pendidik dan wakil dari pemerintah dan industri yang terlibat dalam pendidikan internasional. Sebuah dewan bahasa bentuk 12 spesialis Komite TOEFL Penguji, yang membahas segala keprihatinan dengan konten pengujian dan metodologi, memelihara tes yang valid.
Bahasa Inggris Merupakan Bahasa Dunia
Like it or not, English has been agreed upon by the world as an international language, the language of communication and technology. Therefore, if you want to “be part” of the world, English is a requirement
Bahasa Inggris adalah sebuah bahasa yang berasal dari Inggris, merupakan bahasa utama di Britania Raya (termasuk Inggris), Amerika Serikat, serta banyak negara lainnya, dan termasuk rumpun bahasa Jermanik Barat. Bahasa ini berawal dari kombinasi antara beberapa bahasa lokal yang dipakai oleh orang-orang Norwegia, Denmark, dan Anglo-Saxon dari abad ke-6 sampai 10. Lalu pada tahun 1066 dengan ditaklukkan Inggris oleh William the Conqueror, sang penakluk dari Normandia, Perancis Utara, maka bahasa Inggris dengan sangat intensif mulai dipengaruhi bahasa Latin dan bahasa Perancis. Dari seluruh kosakata bahasa Inggris modern, diperkirakan ±50% berasal dari bahasa Perancis dan Latin.
Sejarah Bahasa Inggris
Perkembangan bahasa Inggris biasa dibagi menjadi tiga masa:
Bahasa Inggris Kuno atau bahasa Anglo-Saxon, 700 – 1066
Bahasa Inggris Tengahan, antara 1066 – 1500
Bahasa Inggris Baru, mulai dari abad ke 16
Bahasa–bahasa kerabat
Bahasa Inggris tergolong rumpun bahasa Jermanik, dan terutama dari cabang Jermanik Barat. Kerabat terdekatnya adalah bahasa Friesland. Selain itu bahasa Belanda (termasuk pula bahasa-bahasa Jerman hilir lainnya) juga masih dekat. Bahasa Jerman (Bahasa Jerman hulu) agak lebih jauh lagi.
Tetapi dari semua bahasa Jermanik, bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang paling lain secara tatabahasa dan kosakata. Kosakata bahasa Inggris banyak dipengaruhi oleh bahasa Perancis, yang masuk melalui penaklukan bangsa Norman dan belakangan melalui penggunaan bahasa Perancis sebagai bahasa resmi selama beberapa abad di lingkungan pemerintahan.
Status Bahasa
Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa pertama di Amerika Serikat, Antigua dan Barbuda, Australia, Bahama, Barbados, Bermuda, Britania Raya, Guyana, Jamaika, Saint Kitts dan Nevis, Selandia Baru dan Trinidad dan Tobago.
Selain itu bahasa Inggris juga merupakan salah satu bahasa resmi di organisasi internasional seperti Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa dan Komite Olimpiade Internasional, serta bahasa resmi di berbagai negara, seperti di Afrika Selatan, Belize, Filipina, Hong Kong, Irlandia, Kanada, Nigeria, Singapura, dan lainnya.
Di dunia bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa kedua pertama yang dipelajari. Bahasa Inggris bisa menyebar karena pengaruh politik dan imperialisme Inggris dan selanjutnya Britania Raya di dunia.